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Digital DarkRoom/라이트룸(Lightroom)

[라이트룸] free lightroom development preset

글: HooneyPaPa 2008. 4. 2.

Happy Monday! The preset info is below but here’s some quick Photoshop World info as well. This week is Photoshop World in Orlando, FL. It’s always nice when I can drive to the conference on Monday and back again on Friday. Plus, I’m really excited as my wife and kids will probably make it over for a day or two. Believe it or not, my kids have never seen me teach. Anyway, here’s a recap of what I’ll be teaching -
- Tuesday - “Layers 101″ pre-con.
- Wednesday - “Top 10 Photoshop Technqiues” and recording Photoshop TV Live
- Thursday - 1) Lightroom Basic Training, 2) Lightroom and Photoshop: Connecting the dots, 3) Automating Photoshop for Photographers
- Friday - I’ve got a session on the show floor
Photoshop World is always my favorite week of the year and if you’re going make sure you stop by and say hi and let me know you visit the blog (I just brush off anyone who doesn’t visit - ;) totally just kidding!).

Preset Stuff
OK, on to the preset stuff. This week’s preset comes from my “Suggest a Preset Day” a while back. Some one had requested a Bleach Bypass preset and after researching a little I think I came pretty close in Lightroom. A Bleach Bypass is basically putting a black and white image over a color image. The end result is usually lower saturation and increased contrast (almost like what would happen if you did this in Photoshop with a blend mode). I’ve got two in the included set here. One has more color saturation then the other. Also, be aware that this one increases your Exposure by about two thirds of a stop over what you normally set exposure at so you may need to adjust it down. But it’s supposed to look a little blown out so don’t reel it back too much. Enjoy!

사용자 삽입 이미지

[Source] LightRoom KillerTips